A fine, fluffy compost for lawns which integrates into the grass quickly and doesn't leave any wood chip or stone residue on the lawn. This organic compost releases nutrients to roots slowly as the rains soak it in.
- Pet friendly - dogs won't eat it
- No weeds
- Dark, rich colour when wet
- 100% organic
- No smell
- 1m3 Covers 100-150m2 of lawn
Choose your area to calculate delivery surcharge as it costs us more in fuel to drive further.
We believe in doing business transparently so we want you to know that if you need to make a budget purchase, rather don't buy any lawndressing at all rather than buying a cheap one. Before we started this business, we bought a cheap load of compost for our own lawn and it had so much weeds that our lawn never recovered. We had to get it replanted, but it still never recovered to where it used to be. Don't make the same mistake by trying to save R200.
Lawn Dressing (delivery incl.)
- Driver will only be able to offload and go
- No moving the compost